Add games to your website - free!
Welcome to, the smart source when you want to add games to your website for free. Whether you're a professional Webmaster or a novice, GameInaCan can work for you. Do you want to increase the stickyness of your site and up your number of repeat and new visitors, all by adding fun, interactive content? Game in a Can is for you! And it's all free!
What is Game In a Can?
Game in a Can is a self-contained shockwave based set of casino themed games with built in chat and a back-end points system. With this package you can add games to your website for free, you get to use all of the advertising space, and you don't have to put any brands on your site that aren't your own. It is fully customized for your website.
What games are included?
Currently we feature slots, blackjack, video poker and craps. We will continuously be adding new games, which will be automatically included in your 'can' as soon as they are ready. You wont have to upgrade ever. We also occasionally create specific products for special events, it is your choice if you want to add games to your website for each event - for example, sites with game in a can will feature a World Cup slots game for the duration of the 2002 world cup competition.
Why would you want it?
What are the answers to the following questions? Do your visitors stay for extended periods of time? Do they see exactly what they're looking for when you enter your site? Do your visitors come back often? Do they tell their friends about your site?
All of these things can happen when you add games to your website, but only if they have all of the features you'll find within's integrated suite with built in chat. If your visitors like to message with their friends while online, they will bring along friends with similar interests to your site. When you add games to your website with an integrated chat feature and point collection that brings people back, you'll see how essential the feature is to your website. Free games have never been this easy to put up and turn into pure profit.
- It's free.
- It's very sticky content, with high quality games.
- You get ALL of the advertising space and complete customizability. It will look just like it's another part of your site
- You get return visitors who want to chat with friends and build their points up.
- You don't have to do anything but paste a bit of html into your site
I've already got free web site games, why yours?
High quality games, addition of good ad real-estate, sticky additions with the chat and points back-end, definite increase in returned visitors. Points from blackjack can be taken and spent on video poker or slots. All of these features are yours for free when you add games to your website from
GameInaCan will continuously improve its product, integrating new and better games, and as we do, you don't need to change a thing. Just log in one day and there will be more games!
If webmasters get all of the advertising, what's in it for
We share the e-mails you collect. You get a copy, and we get a copy. That's all there is to it.
No site is too large, no site is too small, don't hesitate to get in touch today! To sign up just click on the 'Sign up today' link to the left.